Happy Presidents Day sign in red, white and blue. |

Presidents Day clipart with stars and an American flag overlay. |

USA with eagle animation. |

Presidents Day round in red, white and blue with stars. |

Showing love of country on Presidents Day. |

Presidents Day with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in front of an American Flag. |

Presidents Day sale sign with stars. |

George Washington Portrait |

A large American flag to display on Presidents Day. |

Happy Presidents Day with balloons. |

John Adams Portrait |

Presidents Day with patriotic design plus Washington and Lincoln clipart image. |

Happy Presidents Day sign in red, white and blue. |

God Bless America with animation. |

Photograph of Abraham Lincoln. |

Thomas Jefferson was the third President Of The United States. Served from 1801-1809. |

James Madison was the fourth President Of The United States. He served from 1809 to 1817. |

Happy Presidents Day with an American flag button. |

President's Day with Abe Lincoln and George Washington. |